Sunday, January 31, 2010

No, I'm not referring to the Ultimate Fighting Championship

Today I am collecting what I'm pretty sure is my 15th ever UFC. The non-cushies among you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. To those who do: wink wink giggle giggle high five!

Health update coming soon...


Catherine Hughes said...

Hey Sarah!

I did three consecutive ones over Christmas. And the lab lost one (how, tell me, how??) and failed to give results on the other two.

Like then new blog and identify, of course, with so much of what you say.

Cat x

Saberlowe said...

Oh man, Catherine, sorry to hear they lost one of your jugs. I had one salivary cortisol go missing while I was testing. But that seems a little more understandable on account of it being an itty bitty vile of spit. But a UFC?!? I mean, come on, were talking a big ole jug o' pee here. How does a lab misplace such a thing?

Hope your testing is going well and that you're getting some answers. Are you doing salivary and/or serum tests in addition to urine?

Catherine Hughes said...

Serum tests yes - all nrmal so far.

Salivary testing? We're talking about the UK here!! Nope.

No answers thus far but the clinical picture is pretty convincing. Especially now my shoulders are giving me trouble. But we'll see...

bookyet said...

Ah yeah, those blasted UFC's. Got back my results of my 3-day back-to-back UFCs...normal and low-normal. Unbelievelable. So frustrating. I'm so glad you got the results you need and the sugery/treatment you've been looking for, for so long! *HUGS*

Btw, I *LOVED* your interview of Blog Radio...just getting around to hearing it now.
